InterfaceX 3.0

Web 3.0 For All.
The Universe.

Our Edge

Cutting-edge Web3 Tech X
Solid Web2.0 Base X
World-Class Product Development X
InterfaceX 3.0

Our strength is that we have a system that can provide all the technical support as Web5, not only with the latest Web3 technology, but also with Web2.0 technology, which is a solid foundation. We can also provide support in designing the token economy, DAOs, and other systems at the philosophical level.

Web3 Business Consulting

Web3(+Web2.0) Product Development

Community Building + Community Design

feature image

Member Introduction

Shogo Kusuhara member introduction

Shogo Kusuhara

Representative PartnerFullstack Engineer(Web2.0)Blockchain EngineerBackoffice

After graduating from Ritsumeikan University, he joined a Big 4 audit firm as a new graduate in corporate planning, leaving after 3 months to make a living through importing and online sales as a sole trader. He taught himself programming in order to scale up his business even further. He then became an independent freelancer. Since becoming independent, he has helped several startups to listed companies in all phases of development. While developing a wide range of projects from front-end to infrastructure as a seasoned engineer, he started his own company to create an organization where web creators can do their best work to create exceptional products.

Our Technologies


TypeScript logonext.js logonuxt.js logo

Design / Modeling

belnder logomaya logostorybook logofigma logo


SOL logoTON logoETH logoMATIC frameworkBNB Chain logoAVAX logoFTM logo

Supporting Languages

golang logoTS logorust logorust logorust logopython logo

Database / NoSQLs

mongodb logorocksdb logomysql logomysql logo

Infrastructures / Node as a Service

alchemy logoINFURA logoAWS logoAWS logofirebase logomongodb atlas logo


docker logokubernates logogithub actions logojenkins logogitlab cicd logo


mongodb atlas logografana ecosystems logo

Company Profile

Company NameInterfaceX LLC
Location201 Olive Court, 4-1-17 Toyosaki, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
Representative PartnerShogo Kusuhara

© 2023 InterfaceX. All rights reserved

